Homebrewing Resources
Below are homebrew how-to instructions and resources designed to accompany in-store instruction or longer studies on the subject. For best results, use the resources here in conjunction with the book How to Brew by John Palmer, Designing Great Beers by Ray Daniels or Charlie Papazian's The Complete Joy of Homebrewing, all of which are available at Siciliano's.
Instructions - Extract with Specialty Grains (PDF)
A short guide to brewing beer with liquid- and/or dry-malt extract.
Instructions - Partial Mash Brewing (PDF)
For when you've mastered extract, but can’t (yet) commit to all-grain.
Instructions - All-Grain Brewing (PDF)
For when you want to do it all yourself.
The Short Course in Lagering (PDF)
Tips to ensure positive results for your first lager.
Using Kegs (PDF)
A guide to assembling and using your kegging equipment.
Kegging Equipment - What You’re Going to Need (PDF)
A complete list of necessary/recommended/optional equipment for kegging beer.
Hop Chart (PDF)
A reference chart listing characteristics and substitutes for any common hop.
ABV Chart (PDF)
Percent alcohol by volume from original gravity to final gravity.
Understanding Yeast (PDF)
Because more than anything, yeast just wants to be understood.
BJCP Style Guidelines
Industry-standard beer-style perimeters, used for most homebrew competitions.